A Brief Biography of Shaykh, ‘Allaama, Al-Muhaddith Hammaad al-Ansaaree
Shaykh Hammaad bin Muhammad al-Ansaaree al-Khazraji as-Sa’adi – in lineage to Sa’ad bin ‘Ubadah al-Ansaaree, the noble Companion –Radi Allaahu anhu.
What Shaykh Hammaad al-Ansaaree said about knowledge
Seeking knowledge is worship, so it is not allowed to leave it due to having a bad intention, because with time, seeking knowledge will guide you to goodness.
What Shaykh Hammaad al-Ansaaree said about Salafeeyyah
It is obligatory upon the one who travels to seek knowledge, once he reaches the city or the country that he aimed for, that he should search for a Salafee scholar.
What Shaykh Hammaad al-Ansaaree said about ‘Aqeedah & Tawheed
The different types of Tawheed are connected, so whoever commits Shirk [associating others with Allaah in worship] in one type of Tawheed then he has committed Shirk in the other types.
What Shaykh Hammaad al-Ansaaree said about Tableeghee Jamaat
There is no good in all their going out (Kharooj), since they do not teach the people anything.
What Shaykh Hammaad al-Ansaaree said about the Raafidah (Shia)
The Rawafidah took their religion from the Jews, and their attacking the Companions is attacking Islaam.
What Shaykh Hammaad al-Ansaaree said about Makkah & Madeenah
This country of the Haramain (Makkah & Madeenah) is not for recreation, but rather it is for worship.
What Shaykh Hammaad al-Ansaaree said about the Soofeeyah
The Soofeeyah are made up of Judaism, fire-worshippers, polytheism, and a basic foundation of Islaam, but Islaam only by name.
What Shaykh Hammaad al-Ansaaree said about Al-Ikhwaan al-Muslimoon
Indeed the Ikhwaan al-Muslimoon are from the helpers of Khomeini and the Raafidah (Shia).
What Shaykh Hammaad al-Ansaaree said about the Khaawarij
‘The hadeeth: ‘Indeed what I fear for you the most are the young foolish ones.’ applies to our times. This hadeeth applies to the Khaawarij, and the Khaawarij are stupid and not intelligent.’